Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Warm reindeer liver? nomz? (January 20, 2011)

I just sat downstairs and had coffee with Steen and one of our neighbors and friend of the family, Mons. I love older bearded Danish men. Mons has done lots of neat things in his life: he grew up on a farm in the Danish countryside and Steen grew up in a harbor town so they told me all about fishing and the industry and how mink fur has become a rather big deal here because when the fishing is not good, the Danes need another way to make some money in the towns. When Mons was younger, he would take a break from his career in finance and go on hunting trips where they would set camp three hours away from the mountains and walk to hunt every day. Once a reindeer was killed and clean, what was the snack they had before the long walk back to camp? The warm livers. Ew. I'm an adventurous eater, but that just... no.

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