Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh, Hej! I'm here! (January 16, 2011)

I don't know any Danish yet or I would say something witty to begin this! I learned that "bad" means bath, however. That's about all I've got. And no, it was not because someone suggested I take a bad.

This morning I arrived in Copenhagen! I cannot believe that was only 14 hours ago. Seems like forever. Sam and I had a nice flight where neither of us could sleep at all, but luckily due to our cuteness, we were able to sit next to each other. We tried to watch the Bucket List but it was terrible and then we watched a documentary on mute about elephants. I'm pretty sure no one but Sam and I care about this part of the adventure.

Then we arrived! Sam and I met this boy named Hugh from Bates who is very nice and we waited for our baggage with him. Then we separated and Sam and I went off to find out host families. After being misdirected and walking through the airport searching for a staircase that did not exist, we finally got on the right track and made it into the Hilton Hotel where we would meet our host famz.

My host mom, Lisbeth Schou, picked me up. She is wonderful! She told me about how their family has kept in close contact with many of their other host students and even traveled to the states to see them years after! Yes, this puts a bit of pressure on me, but she is just so nice and eager to help, I truly feel like I am in good hands. Then we headed back to my house where Steen, my host father, was cooking breakfast! We had fresh rolls that were delicious and they told me stories about Denmark things and their lives and it was just so refreshing and nice to be completely immersed in something so new and different. After a while, Mathias- my host brother- stumbled down the stairs hungover from a night of drinking. Obviously I was intrigued. He is incredibly sassy and has a harsh but hilarious sense of humor and the entire family spends most of their time in a witty and hilarious banter of teasing one another. I love it.

After breakfast, I unpacked in my adorable little room. I have a desk that folds from the wall and a little bit that is also a couch and it is just adorable. I'll post pictures soon. So I unpacked and then nappppped for a while which was nice. Then showered, got dressed, realized I have no idea how to flush a Danish toilet (don't worry, I've figured it out by now), and headed downstairs where the family was just about ready to head out. Where you ask? Well, to their older son's house for dinner. The older son who has a wife and three young children. I wasn't too nervous, still in a daze from all the traveling and excitement, and luckily he and his wife are incredibly nice and also full of banter. The family is just so fun and love to give each other a hard time. The father likes me because I love coffee. Mathias gave me a heads up that Danish men in clubs are much more straight forward than American men. Good to know. Anyway, for dinner we had mexican- ha? which was good and the funniest part...(SHOUT OUT TO DJ PEARLZ) Taylor Swift played the entire time in the background. It made me homesick but also so amused that the family would choose to put her on.

The dinner was also interesting because half of it was spoken in Danish. Lisbeth always makes an effort to translate for me what was said if an entire conversation went by that I would find amusing or important, but sometimes I just listen as they talk. I'm going to have to get used to it, and honestly I kind of enjoy it.

So, tomorrow I have to find my way into the city by myself for the first time for orientation. We'll see how that goes! As for now, I need SLEEP.

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