Tuesday, January 25, 2011

day 2 success (January 17, 2011)

I am beyond exhausted but I wanted to jot down a bit about my day before I forget. This morning I took the train into the city all by myself! Successfully! And then navigated the short distance through the beautiful streets of Copenhagen to where I needed to be. I was very proud of myself. My commute consists of an 8 minute walk to the train station in my little town and then a 24 minute train ride into the city and then... a 5-10 minute walk to the DIS buildings. Not bad, but definitely not my 5 minute walk from the quad onto the Smith campus. I also have an 8:30 class this morning- those who know me and my sleep/class schedule can only imagine how much this will challenge me.

But hey, that's what I'm here for right? To be challenged. So many times today I felt like I pushed my comfort zone and it's only the second day.

So, today we had the opening ceremony which was rather boring but motivational in the way that all opening ceremonies are. Then we were split into groups for a sort of scavenger hunt to get to know the DIS facilities around the area. This was...kind of helpful? My group was very, very nice. Some of us exchanged phone numbers so maybe I'll be seeing them around? Later in the afternoon, my group acquainted ourselves with a full year student who ended up taking us on a tour of his favorite (cheap) bars and cafes and other neat things around the city. This was wonderful, we were really lucky, but it involved a lot of walking because my group wanted to go to the library which was about a fifteen minute walk away from DIS. Worth it though, I got to see part of the harbor and more of the city. It really is beautiful! And old! some of it so old. Our "tour guide" showed us one of the medieval streets which was very cool. There are swans in the harbor and in the little boat areas. Very nice. Very white and majestic. I'm very tired.

Before heading back home, some of my group members and I went out for a beer in one of the little bars our "tour guide" had shown us. Basically, the outside of the bar is covered in stickers and graffiti, you would never know what it was from looking at it. Inside, old danish men, some covered in tattoos are drinking beer and smoking. I feel like I smoked a pack of cigarettes just being in there but I loved it and we had a really nice time relaxing after the long day. It was definitely a neat find, and very cheap. Had my first Tuborg which was delicious.

Then found my way back home! Even in the fog! Sat down and ate dinner- the family had eaten already but Lisbeth sat down and talked to me about Danish traditions and royalty. I can tell she loves sharing traditions and bits of their culture, it is all very fascinating and intriguing. So different from America.

Alas, I would love to write more but I am wiped out.

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