Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friday night: Family dinner, Floss, Found, Friendships?

Friday after Danish class, Sam and I headed to my house for dinner with my host dad and brother who were so very (not) exited to cook a vegetarian meal! Actually, it turned out really good and they both liked it, so there Danish meat eaters. After dinner, Sam and I had some (cheap) wine and got ready and bothered Mathias for a little while. Then we hopped on the train and met up with a Smith friend at Floss, our fav bar. We hung out there for a really long time having some tuborgs and inhaling the copious amount of smoke in the air while chatting with some friends coming in and out.

Then we left the bar to meet up with someone on the other side of the city. So we go to the train station, and I get on a train, andddd turn around to see the others not getting on it because its the wrong one. OOPS! Actually, it really wasn't a big deal at all, it just took...a while for me to finally be found by Sam at the station we were all actually heading to. No worries. So, we meet up with the girl we were looking for and start walking to her place which is actually in the sex district? Fun fact, I also ended up there Saturday night. No, I have not gone to any strip clubs. Anyway, we find her and everyone just kind of decides to go to 7/11 and pick up some beers and go back to her place to hang out. Sam buys me a piece of pepperoni pizza because she is wonderful. And, as we are leaving the store, we see Vela across the street. Vela is the one lesbian bar in Copenhagen. So, Sam and I basically say- yeahhh, we're gonna go there instead.

Vela is really nice! It's pretty small, I liked the decoration, and the beers were relatively cheap. Sam and I stand around and observe for a pretty long time before I finally decide we need to be social so I kind of turn and start chatting with a group. Everyone was really nice! We get to chatting with a few specific people who were all really cool and showed interest in hanging out with us again. So yay for us! Cultural immersion!

Heading home was a little tricky. We went to the central station which is the biggest and could not find my train home for a really long time, but we did! And had a nice slumber party as we do.

And so concludes Friday night.

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