Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tia Loca, Ruby Sipper, and the Danish Mistress

The majority of my Saturday was spent in bed, trying to read, napping, and catching up on tv shows. It was nice and relaxing. Then last night, I met up with some friends in the city and we bar hopppped. Our first stop was this really chill bar where the handball game was on and so we had to watch that. We won, don't worry. This bar had lots of cool beer choices such as Sam's choice- the Danish Mistress, a sweet cider. I had a beer called Tia Loca which has now jumped to the top of my favorite beers chart. We kind of all just decided to get beers that sounded funny. Well, the girls did. The boys we were with came back with lots of dark ales. Grunt grunt.

Copenhagen still never ceases to amuse and amaze me. I love walking around at night. Most of the shops are still lit from inside and you can see whatever fun products they have. Floss is still one of the most interesting and fun bars ever. Caity, I think you'd love it. We hung out in the downstairs part last night watching beautiful blond (hipster) danish boys play pool and drink Tuborg. Good stuff.

I woke up early to get ready to have breakfast with Christian, the oldest son, and his wife who are coming over but someone has been in the bathroom for a looong time soo lucky for you all- I had time to blog!

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