Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend Recap

Thursday night: Communication and Mass Media social. Surprisingly fun! We went to this building with tons of floors and bars and stages. Very cool place. We grabbed some drinks on DIS at our bar and chatted and then went into the private, old, small cinema to watch a movie. Our attention spans didn't last too long with the movie, so we went out to keep chatting which was nice! Thankfully, the people in the group are really awesome and fun to be around. London should be amaaazing.

Friday night: Went home with Sam and had a WONDERFUL dinner with her family. OH! But first, she and I went with her young host sister to her riding lesson. Basically, Ulla, Sam's host mom, dressed us up in incredibly warm clothing (snowpants included) and we stood and watched her host sister ride a horse in a circle for an hour. While this may not sound like a blast, I have to admit it kind of was. I also have to admit that I am kind of terrified of horses. Would I EVER have imagined myself in Scandinavia with Sam watching a wonderful little Danish girl riding a horse? No. But that's what this semester is about!
Dinner was delicious pizza and wine and fabulous conversation. Both of her host parents do such awesome things with social media but in totally separate career areas. So obviously I was fascinated and intrigued.
Then, we headed out and spent most of night at a bar called The Happy Pig where they were having a Valentines Day themed party in the upstairs bar and dance area. It was soo much fun. The music was good, they had goofy Valentines Day themed drinks and free shots (mayyybe these tasted like Pepto but oh well) and everyone who was there was really awesome and having a good time.

Saturday night: Met my friend Ethan for drinks at a bar called Lord Nelson where they have expensive locally brewed delicious beer. We discussed film, culture, music, and video games over out pints and it was nice to sit down and have an intellectual conversation over good drinks. I felt very cultured?
Then I headed to Floss to meet some other friends from DIS and played pool, Dad- you were totally right, I should really have taken pool lessons. I am truly, truly awful. Here, I also had another intellectual conversation with a girl about theory (from old French dead guys to modern Black feminist authors) which I have missed so much since last semester.
So, overall successful and fun night.

Now it is Sunday afternoon and I am trying to get the motivation to do some homework and stop watching Modern Family. Sundays are just as lazy for me in Denmark as they are at Smith.

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