Monday, February 28, 2011

midterms happen here too

So, I guess it's midterm season over here in Copenhagen! I just finished my third and final test this morning. Whew. Actually, it's been kind of nice. I won't complain, but the academics at DIS are ... a little different than at Smith. While I do genuinely feel as though I am taking away a lot from the classes, they are structured very differently. I'm learning a lot more practical, real world, occupation-based information and getting some really cool opportunities through work shops, but I have to admit, I would love to write a culturally analytic paper right now. On anything. Any Sociology/American Studies students at Smith have a paper they don't want to write...? Just kidding, kind of.

Last Thursday I had my International Advertising midterm which was actually kind of fun because I'm an advertising nerd. Part of it was having to analyze the target consumer audience of a advertising campaign for a car in Denmark. I hate to say it, because I am terrified of selling my soul to the corporate world, but I do truly love advertising. All of my classes this year have made me realize it. Branding, marketing, advertising, it is all just so awesome.

Friday I had my Danish quiz, which we got back today, and I did well on! I know you are all so interested in my academic triumphs and not in fun stories about going to bars. Ha. Just reminding you that I do have to study while here as well as immerse myself into the Danish culture!

And, today I had my Current Trends in News Media midterm. So, now I'm done with tests for a while!


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