Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thursday: news production, TV2

Thursday morning I woke up bright and early to get on a bus and begin my short study tour with my Communication and Mass Media program!

Our first stop was the Brandts media museum where my group spent the afternoon creating a news show- which you will soon be able to see online. We each had a job and had to research stories to do and film our parts. Another girl and I were assigned the roles of the cultural interview and we chose to do a piece on Football Attention Neurosis (FAN) which is the diagnosed problems of Superbowl fans before and during the big game. I played the role of a therapist out of Wisconsin who was explaining FAN. It was pretty hilarious. And don't worry, its real, we found it on the NY Times.

Next we got back on the bus and headed to TV2, Denmark's major publicly owned television station. We had a tour and a question session with their manager, a pretty important guy here, who was handling phone calls from Egypt the entire time. That was pretty incredible. We got to see their news room, which was so MELLOW compared to how any of us ever imagined it.

After TV2 we checked into our hostel, which was surprisingly nice, and then headed out to dinner provided to us by DIS- thanks for the burgers and creme brulee- where the waitress tried to charge us 12 dkk for water. Tap water.

Then after eating our weight in free food, I headed back to my room to watch bad Danish television with one of my roommates for the night. We found this show... I think its called the Wedge? But I could be wrong. Basically, it was like foreign SNL and it was hilarious.

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