Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Last tuesday: funny lesbian story and the ROSS boys!

So, last Tuesday was an all around great day. I spent over 2 hours just walking by myself around the city. The sun was out, it wasn't too cold, it was very very nice.

In the evening, I have a movie screening to go to for my Danish class. We see Idioterne (The Idiots), a Dogma film which... was pretty emotionally exhausting. So afterwords my friend Bobby and I decide that we definitely need a beer, or a few, so we head to Floss. We're just chillin, chatting, and I happen to nudge him at one point and say- look a lesbian. In the crowd was a short haired, flannel wearing, very obvious to me, lesbian. Bobby questioned me, through the Floss smoke haze it is very difficult to see sometimes. Ha.

Anyway, the night goes on! We meet up with Sam and her brothers, who are visiting, at Billy Booze Discount Bar- obviously obsessed with this place. It was really awesome to see them and we all just hung out and had a nice time. I'm attaching this picture, not only because we look like we could be siblings, but because we MATCH!

So then I'm on the train home. I'm looking down at my phone playing the little racing game when all of a sudden I hear... blahblahdanishdanishFLOSS? So I look up, since I was at Floss earlier in the night, and literally two seats in front of me facing me IS THE LESBIAN FROM FLOSS. I quickly say that I don't speak Danish and she says- "oh, sorry, were you at Floss earlier tonight? I thought I recognized you." WHAT UP. We didn't even speak at Floss. I just like to think I'm that memorable. So I laugh and say that I indeed was. She goes on to talk about how she was just there for a party and it isn't her usual place...and then she bluntly asks, "So, are you a lesbian or whatever?" I burst out laughing. We are in a train car with other people and I go into hysterics momentarily. Then, I compose myself and answer- why yes I am. We end up chatting for the twenty minutes of my train ride, exchanging numbers (no she is NOT my type), and she invites me over to her place to play with her dog. How hilarious is my life?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I can now cook an entire meal!

For those of you who know my cooking skills, you should all be very impressed. I have now been taught how to make an amazing tomato soup, frikadeller (Danish meatballs) and I can also make Danish pancakes! That's a three course meal right there!

London: Saturday

Last day in London. Took our last tube ride over to Camden Market and spent the morning wandering around all the little stands and shops. It was MASSIVE and there were so many different stands with clothing, jewelry, random stuff, foods, everything.

Then we had afternoon tea at the Chestfield Mayfair. A way-too-fancy hotel considering we were a bunch of 20 year old exhausted American kids. Delicious though.

Then we got on the plane and headed back to Copenhagen! Goodbye, warm, beautiful, amazing London!

Overall, the trip was one of the best weeks of my life. I saw so much, I learned so much, and I had an awesome time. Tak, DIS!

London: Friday

Friday was an AMAZING day. It began with a trip in a small group to a company called 3 Fish in a Tree that does really any sort of advertising work in any sort of medium for any sort of company. The company consists of a bunch of graphic designers and they take on all sorts of projects and their boss just has this amazing work ideology about conserving creative integrity and letting people have fun and explore their potential. Ah! Sign me up. Other than the fact that I am not a graphic designer...

Our next stop was to the Daily Telegraph- how cool is that? Where we heard from the guy that basically does brand integrity work and decides what advertisements go into their publications and which ones don't. I would literally love this job. He has to do with the legal sides, which ads are legally appropriate, but also he gets to analyze ads to decide which ones fit in to their brand identity. HOW MUCH WOULD I LOVE THAT. So much.

After that visit, I separated from the group and met up with a friend for an awesome day of sight seeing. Our first stop: Borough Market. Pretty sure this is basically the most famous gourmet food market in the world or something. Loved it. She made me try a melted cheese sandwich, aka a grilled cheese, but it was amazing. Then we headed to Monument tower and climbed all 311 stairs up to the top for a beautiful view of the city. After climbing back down, we headed over to Tower Bridge and went into the towers and saw the exhibitions.

In the evening, she took me out to dinner. I was informed that we would be going somewhere "nice"... but where we went just blew my mind. If you look at the London skyline was the other side of Waterloo bridge, you'll see the OXO tower. We had dinner in the restaurant at the top of that building.
That's the view from the restaurant's balcony.

After dinner, we walked through Covent Garden and headed to Candy Bar. The only (?) Lesbian bar in London. Yup. Three stories of pure awesome. Ha. It was a lot of fun. Definitely gives Vela in Copenhagen a run for its money! I should probably write up a review of these two lesbian bars on babesandberries. I'll get on that.

Anyway, Friday was awesome and a great last full day in London. I still can't believe how much I saw and how much ground I covered in London in just six days.

London: Thursday

Thursday was our cultural outing day! STONEHENGE AND BATH!

First we visited Stonehenge and had an extremely windy tour with a woman who used many popup books to explain the history and mystery and loves rocks. Of course.

Bath is BEAUTIFUL. Like London, my expectations were blown out of the water. The Roman Baths in themselves are something striking, but the rest of the city is simply stunning. We did a self guided tour of the baths and then ended it with drinking some of the mineral water! The water is supposed to be super good for you but it left a lot of my friends with stomach aches.

London: Wednesday

Wednesday was AWESOME. Got all dressed up nicely because we were going to have business "interviews" later in the day. Headed off to the Danish design museum, which was cool... but mostly just one big room with some funky chairs and gadgets. I played Rock Band 3 for a solid half an hour. I miss Jefferson Warbear now more than ever, and playing the drums with ... what were those, Caity? Pink scrubbing things.

After the museum, went off with my group that would all be going to the production company, Locomotion, later in the day for our interview. We ended up taking a walk through the nicest shopping district in London on our way to get one of the boy's haircut. The walk was long, but London was sunny and it was a very nice way to spend the afternoon. Then we headed to Soho where Locomotion is located and had our meeting which was pretty cool. I'm leaving out a really cool story in between here, so if you're curious about how we met an infamous local named Pam and got free tshirts, let me know and I will fill you in.

After Locomotion, we had a quick academic class all together at the London School of Economics. Then, I spent the night in pubs watching a big soccer, er, football game with a friend and two English girls. It was very culturally awesome. Ha. Then I found my way home on the tube!

Monday, March 14, 2011

London: Tuesday

Our first group activity was visiting Magnum Photo: a famous collective of photographers. Grabbed a quick lunch at Subway, and then headed to Bloomberg Europe. Bloomberg was a bit overwhelming, and I am positive that I do not want to work in their massive, color coordinated office building.

After our academic visits, we had some free time. Some of my friends and I walked along the Queen's Walk and saw Tower Bridge and eventually found our way to the London Eye! It was a beautiful, clear day so the ride was amazing and we could see all of the city.

Afterwords, we wandered around the theater area of the city and had dinner at a nice Italian place before we saw our show, Million Dollar Quartet, which was about the night that Elvis, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis were together in a recording studio.

After the show, it was my roommate and another friend on the trip's birthday at midnight so we found a club close to the hotel and danced in their birthday!

London!!! Monday

I'm going to do a post for each day I was in London, so, there will be a lot but I think this is the easiest way to organize and reflect on the trip!

Monday, woke up at the crack of dawn and hopped on the train to head to the airport. The flight was short and as soon as we stepped off the plane in England we were all AMAZED at how sunny and beautiful and warm it was! The bus ride into London was soooo beautiful. Green grass everywhere. A nice break from my charming but freezing, wet, and gray Copenhagen.

Our activity for the first day was a bike tour through the city. I must admit, I had no idea London is as beautiful as it is. We rode through endless green parks, already filled with flowers, over bridges and through the historic city. We saw some of the major sites like Big Ben, Parliament, and Kensington Palace. It was an amazing afternoon. I haven't rode a bike in years and there were some struggles starting and stopping in the middle of busy London streets, but we all survived. I loved it.

For dinner, we had a huge Indian meal, and then headed back to the hotel where I crashed pretty early.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Finally caught up with me...

Aaaand I'm sick. It was bound to happen eventually, I have been surprisingly good at avoiding sore throats while here. But, of course, just two days before I leave for London I would wake up feeling quite sick. Sore throat. Headache. The whole deal. I was a little nervous all day, being in another home and not feeling good, but my host mom has already taken my temperature and assured me that we would keep an eye on it and go to the doctor tomorrow if necessary.

My wonderful host mom has also just run out to get me more soup and tea. So, don't worry mom, I'm being taken care of nicely.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sign of spring?

Just realized that it is not TOTALLY pitch black outside as I just woke up at the crack of 6:30.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Digital Story Telling Workshop: MADE A MOVIE!

For my Virtual Worlds and Social Media class, we had a workshop on creating digital stories. Our assignment was to make a short film about being a foreigner in Denmark. My partner, Tom, and I took to the streets to come up with some helpful/humorous ways to fight homesickness by finding pieces of America in Copenhagen....

Happy snack?

Didn't even realize this is what my breakfast/lunch looked like until I was about to start eating it...