Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jeg vil gerne have...

Yesterday (Mandag) was a very long day of classes, but it was okay, because they are still very interesting. I'm very excited for the workshops and study tours to begin. For example, for my Visual Worlds and Social Media class we will have a night where we make quick videos on our digital cameras to create a story and then learn how to edit them into movies. Lots of fun things to do coming up. OH ALSO. The Opera! My Danish Language class has hilariously decided that for one of our field studies we should go see Romeo and Juliet at the Opera... on Valentines Day.

Speaking of these fun "educational" outings, last night was my Danish Language and Culture class's cafe night where DIS takes our class out to eat with our teacher! We had just learned yesterday how to ask for something in a restaurant: Jeg vil gerne have - I will have.... and so we were expected to try it out last night. We went to a really nice little restaurant where we all sat together at a big table with our teacher. It's really nice because the class is only about 14 of us and everyone is really cool so it is very fun to hang out with them-- good thing since we see each other four days a week for class! The dinner was gooood. I had the biggest beer of my life! A massive Hoegaarden which was the first time I had tasted one and it was delicious.
We were very amused by the size and weight of the drink. Mmmm. So good.

For dinner, I ordered a burger. Ha. So culturally diverse of me. But it was delicious. As we were exploring the menu, we noticed a deal for shots at the bottom. 1o for 100 DKK, obviously we were intrigued and the spelling of the shot name made us guess that they were jello shots! Wrong. When we asked Mogens (?) our teacher, he laughed and explained that the shots were for when you have a sore throat... and that it is vodka with a pill... you can picture our faces becoming more and more confused.... and the pill dissolves and it is good for your throat. Oooookayyy. But, he insisted it was a Danish specialty and the class was totally up for some more cultural immersion! So, we got the shots, they looked terrifying and dark. Mogens bought us two favors so we could try them out. Blue and yellow. The blue tasted like STRONG peppermint, hard to take down, and the yellow was licorice. Now, I HATE licorice, but this shot was tasty. Most of us ended up choosing that one. Basically it tasted like really delicious Jägermeister.



  1. Hoegaarden is SO GOOD!!! they sell it in some pubs here in Cork... ah, delicious. did you have it with a piece of lime? it's almost like a super good Corona that way... except Corona's not a wheat beer, but you know what I mean. Cheers!

  2. I want to be able to drink in bars. EFF!
