Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dead royalty and viking ships

So, after our long night out on Saturday, I nicely woke Sam up (by shoving her) and we got up to get ready to go on our little field trip! After a very, very long (45 minute- it was bright out and movement wasn't all that welcome after the night before) bus ride to Roskilde, we arrived at the Cathedral. We had a really nice tour throughout most of the building, saw sooo many tombstones and neat little places in it, and took lots of touristy pictures:
Wouldn't you like to be buried beneath this?

Just looking at another room of dead royalty

Anyway, so the Cathedral was stunning and beautiful and had lots of cool stories and ceilings. 22 kings and 19 queens are buried there, I believe. It's basically like every where you walk you are surrounded by or stepping on royalty. Interesting.

Then we got back on the bus and made our way to the viking museum. There were lots and lots of ships. Dad, you would like this. It's like the Danish version of the maritime museum. Inside there were all of the actual ships (what was left of them) that had been found stacked in the water off the coast because they had been used as a blockade by the vikings. Outside there were the ships that had been made recently using the same tools and techniques as the vikings and the people had actually sailed the ships to Norway a few years ago. Pretty neat.

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