Let's start out with my first stop: Berlin. I traveled there with my friend Bobby because he was dying to go to Berghain- one, if not THE, most famous club in the world. Bobby would kill me if he knew I was listening to Britney Spears right now while writing about Berghain. Anyway, we hop on a plane on Saturday and fly off to Germany. I'll say right now, we did absolutely NOTHING traditionally touristy in Berlin, so, I'll probably have to go back someday. We saw lots of tourist looking famous buildings on the bus to our hostel, but that was about it. Oops.
The weather in Berlin was INCREDIBLE. Sunny, warm, amazing. We spent many afternoons just relaxing by the river in the sun. We also went to the same hookah bar every night. Don't worry, we got free shots one night for being so loyal. It was just so nice to be in a new city, enjoy perfect weather, and relax with beers, fruity drinks, and hookah.
Oh, but back to Berghain! We show up around 2 after checking out some other pretty chill bars. The line is HUGE. Basically, the club is located in an old warehouse so like, it doesn't seem like you are waiting to get into a huge famous club at all. It seems like you are a moron standing with a bunch of other morons in the middle of a field. So, we wait in line for about an hour, watching groups of people getting turned away at the door. Basically, Berghain keeps its cool by creating a consistently fresh feeling group of people they let in. There is no rhyme or logic to who they turn away, so Bobby and I were pretty nervous. Finally, we get to the front. The group of boys in front of us gets turned away but we keep our composure. Then, just like that, we are waved in. YUP. So we go in. We are ushered along through security and then enter the first room. Let me just say, no other club has anything on this place, not even at all. Sorry, Divas. Berghain is amazing. The sound was incredible. The setting...indescribable. Passageways everywhere to other hidden away rooms, amazing light shows in their main clubbing areas, a room where they serve ice cream, a massive swing, just incredible. I won't really try to describe it, you should all try to go for yourselves.
So yeah, as I said, the rest of Berlin was spent mostly just chilling out and walking around awesome areas and finding nice parks to relax in. There was, however, that one night of karaoke...
Our last night in Berlin, we went to this karaoke bar. The night we happened to go on was gay themed, and the entire place was filled with punk style gay men. We were in the main karaoke room and the guys singing were doing songs that Bobby and I had never heard before ever. So, obviously, to fit in, I get up there and do BABY GOT BACK. I'm pretty sure they loved it by the end, but at first it was clear they were just so confused as to what a lady was doing up on their stage rapping to a song about liking big butts. Life. Win.
so impressed by you right now