Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Catch up Post

It's been a little while since I've blogged here, so here are some highlights of my life recently:
  1. Finals are happening. The work load is nowhere near what it would be if I was at Smith, but- finals are finals. No fun. I did, however, just do really well on my Danish oral presentation which I never imaged I would a) be taking a Danish language class or b) be kind of good at it? Other than that, it's been mostly tests, I REALLY REALLY miss writing papers. I have my last exam today for my Virtual Worlds and Social Media class. No parents, I should not stop blogging and be studying for that BECAUSE my blogs are part of my class grade.
  2. Had a productive? Interesting? Awesome? Embarrassing? Last night at Vela last weekend. Oh, my one little Danish lesbian bar, I will miss you. Involved me, unsuccessfully, trying to charm a 30 year old, recently divorced from her lesbian marriage, mother of two, who's current girlfriend was there... but she was really hot!
  3. Had my third night of having to call my house to be picked up because I couldn't get home. This third time was after Vela and I fell asleep on the train- oops- and had to wait for Steen to come pick me up. I did, however, get to see the sunrise.
  4. Got to see Sam's host dad perform at a really famous club called Rust! He is in a funky electronic band and they were really good and it was a really awesome experience to see a Dane that I knew play live.
  5. Spent a wonderful afternoon outside at the beach for the DIS picnic. My family and I went and we brought Bobby and the weather was just perfect and Mathias didn't even throw me in the ocean.
And now you are all caught up! Wish me luck on my last final!